
Alley Pezanoski-Browne grew up in a multi-racial Midwestern family dedicated to the arts, education, and social justice, which led her to focus on Film/Video and Sociological Studies at Northwestern University, where she earned a B.S. in Communications. For the next couple of decades, she worked as a producer for various documentaries; as an art administrator, executive director, and development director with nonprofits; and on various arts & media projects and events, all along with a focus on community-building and fundraising. She has held leadership positions with the Independent Publishing Resource Center (IPRC) (where she is now a Board Member) and Open Signal PDX. She received her master’s in Critical Theory & Creative Research from Pacific Northwest College of Art and had a stopover in Hong Kong as a Fulbright Scholar.

Alley makes art in multiple mediums inspired by dream logic and spiritual & ancestral knowledge. She cares deeply about building creative practices that better people’s lives, catalyze collective power, and celebrate radical care, especially for historically excluded communities. Her essays have been published in the Leonardo Music Journal and Bitch.